
CSS decoding functions: take token array, convert it to some type.

Each decoding function returns Result with value and success flag.

Import line



decode(tokens) Decode <integer> value
decode(tokens) Decode <number> (real) value
decode(tokens) Decode raw string property
decode(tokens) Decode CSS token sequence like 'left vcenter' to Align bit set
decode(tokens) Decode stretch property
decode(tokens) Decode item alignment property
decode(tokens) Decode content distribution property
decode(tokens) Decode dimension, e.g. 1px, 20%, 1.2em, or 'none'
decode(tokens) Decode z-index value (an integer or auto)
decode(tokens) Decode flexbox direction property
decode(tokens) Decode flexbox wrap property
decode(tokens) Decode grid automatic flow property
decode(tokens) Decode grid tracks size, e.g. 50px, 20%, 1fr, 'min-content', 'max-content', auto
decode(tokens) Decode grid row or column template sizes
decode(tokens) Decode grid template with area names
decode(tokens) Decode grid line name, e.g. 1, 'span 3', 'header', auto
decode(tokens) Decode background image. This function mutates the range - skips found values
decode(tokens) Decode background position property
decode(tokens) Decode background size property
decode(tokens) Decode background/image repeat property
decode(tokens) Decode box property ('border-box', 'padding-box', 'content-box')
decode(tokens) Decode border style property
decode(tokens) Create a drawable from box-shadow property
decode(tokens) Decode font family
decode(tokens) Decode font style
decode(tokens) Decode font weight
decode(tokens) Decode tab character size
decode(tokens) Decode text alignment
decode(tokens) Decode text decoration line
decode(tokens) Decode text decoration style
decode(tokens) Decode text hotkey option
decode(tokens) Decode text overflow
decode(tokens) Decode text transform
decode(tokens) Decode white space collapse and wrapping
decode(tokens) Decode CSS color. This function mutates the range - skips found color value
decode(tokens) Decode transform part
decode(tokens) Decode opacity in [0..1] range
decode(tokens) Decode blend mode
decode(tokens) Decode seconds or milliseconds in CSS. Returns time in msecs.
decode(tokens) Decode name of property which is a subject of transition
decode(tokens) Decode transition timing function like 'linear' or 'ease-in-out'
decode(tokens) Decode cursor property
decodeBackground(tokens) Decode shorthand background property
decodeBorder(tokens) Decode shorthand border property
decodeFlex(tokens) Decode shorthand flex property
decodeFlexFlow(tokens) Decode shorthand flex-flow property
decodeGridArea(tokens) Decode grid area name, that expands to two or four grid line names
decodeInsets(tokens) Decode CSS rectangle declaration to Length[]
decodePair(tokens) Decode item alignment pair
decodePair(tokens) Decode content distribution pair
decodePair(tokens) Decode CSS length pair, e.g. gap property
decodeTextDecor(tokens) Decode whole shorthand text decoration property
decodeTransition(tokens) Decode shorthand transition property
isFlexDirection(t) True if the token has <flex-direction> value
isFlexWrap(t) True if the token has <flex-wrap> value
startsWithColor(tokens) True if token sequence starts with <color> value
startsWithFontFamily(tokens) True if token sequence starts with <font-family> value
startsWithFontStyle(tokens) True if token sequence starts with <font-style> value
startsWithFontWeight(tokens) True if token sequence starts with <font-weight> value
startsWithIdent(tokens) True if token sequence starts with identifier value
startsWithImage(tokens) True if token sequence starts with image value
startsWithLength(tokens) True if token sequence starts with <length> value
startsWithTextDecorStyle(tokens) True if token sequence starts with <text-decoration-style> value
startsWithTime(tokens) True if token sequence starts with <time> value
startsWithTimingFunction(tokens) True if token sequence starts with <timing-function> value


BackgroundHere Tup!(beamui.core.types.Result!(,beamui.core.types.Result!(
BorderHere Tup!(beamui.core.types.Result!(beamui.core.units.Length).Result,,beamui.core.types.Result!(
FlexFlowHere Tup!(beamui.core.types.Result!(beamui.layout.flex.FlexDirection).Result,beamui.core.types.Result!(beamui.layout.flex.FlexWrap).Result)
FlexHere Tup!(float,float,beamui.core.units.Length)
TextDecorHere Tup!(,beamui.core.types.Result!(,beamui.core.types.Result!(
TransitionHere Tup!(beamui.core.types.Result!(string).Result,beamui.core.types.Result!(uint).Result,beamui.core.types.Result!(beamui.core.animations.TimingFunction).Result,beamui.core.types.Result!(uint).Result)