Struct Path

Represents vector shape as one or more subpaths, which contain series of segments

struct Path


empty[get] True if no points and contours
firstSubpath[get] Get the first subpath. Will be empty if the path is empty
integral[get] True if path includes only one contour


addPolyline (array, detached) Add a polyline to the path; equivalent to multiple lineTo calls with optional moveTo beforehand
arcBy (dx, dy, angle) Add an circular arc extending to a point, relative to the current position.
arcTo (x, y, angle) Add an circular arc extending to a specified point.
close () Return pen to initial contour (subpath) position and start new contour.
cubicBy (p1dx, p1dy, p2dx, p2dy, p3dx, p3dy) Add a cubic Bézier curve with two control points and endpoint, relative to the current position
cubicTo (p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, p3x, p3y) Add a cubic Bézier curve with two control points and endpoint
lineBy (dx, dy) Add a line segment to a point, relative to the current position
lineTo (x, y) Add a line segment to a point
moveBy (dx, dy) Move the current position by a vector. Closes current subpath, if one exists
moveTo (x, y) Set the current pen position. Closes current subpath, if one exists
opApply (callback)
quadraticBy (p1dx, p1dy, p2dx, p2dy) Add a quadratic Bézier curve with one control point and endpoint, relative to the current position
quadraticTo (p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y) Add a quadratic Bézier curve with one control point and endpoint
reset () Clear path and reset it to initial state. Retains allocated memory for future use
translate (dx, dy) Translate path by a vector. Can be expensive for very long path

