Class Painter

Painter draws anti-aliased 2D vector shapes, as well as text and images.

class Painter

Painter applies clipping and transformation to all operations. It is layered and can use various blend modes to composite layers.

Painter can save and restore it's current state (clipping, transformation, and anti-aliasing setting) using save method and when starting a layer.


this (head)


antialias[get, set] True whether antialiasing is enabled for subsequent drawings


beginLayer (saver, info) Start to draw into a new layer, and compose it when saver goes out of scope.
clipIn (box) Intersect subsequent drawing with a region, transformed by current matrix
clipOut (box) Remove a region, transformed by current matrix, from subsequent drawing
drawCustomScene (scene, size, layerInfo) Render a custom scene into a texture and compose it as usual layer
drawImage (image, x, y, opacity) Draw an image at some position with some opacity
drawLine (x0, y0, x1, y1, color) Draw a thin 1px line between two points (including the last pixel).
drawNinePatch (image, srcRect, dstRect, opacity) Draw a rescaled nine-patch image with some opacity
drawText (run, color) Draw a text run at some position with some color
fill (path, brush, rule) Fill a path using specified brush
fillCircle (centerX, centerY, radius, color) Fill a circle
fillRect (x, y, width, height, color) Fill a simple axis-oriented rectangle
fillTriangle (p0, p1, p2, color) Fill a triangle. Use it if you need to draw lone solid triangles
getLocalClipBounds () Get bounds of clip, transformed into the local coordinate system.
paintOut (brush) Fill the layer with specified brush
quickReject (box) Quickly (and inaccurately) determine that box is outside the clip.
resetMatrix () Reset canvas transformation to identity
rotate (degrees) Rotate subsequent canvas drawings clockwise
rotate (degrees, cx, cy) Rotate subsequent canvas drawings clockwise around a point
save (saver) Save matrix, clip, and anti-aliasing setting into internal stack.
scale (factor) Scale subsequent canvas drawings
setMatrix (m) Setup canvas transformation matrix, replacing current one
skew (degreesX, degreesY) Skew subsequent canvas drawings by the given angles
stroke (path, brush, pen) Stroke a path using specified brush
transform (m) Concat a matrix to the current canvas transformation
translate (dx, dy) Translate origin of the canvas


Clipping always shrinks available drawing area.