Enum TokenType

enum TokenType : int { ... }

Enum members

atKeyword @someKeyword - text will contain keyword w/o @ prefix
badStr string ended with newline character
badUrl bad url()
cdc -->
cdo <!--
closeCurly }
closeParen )
closeSquare ]
colon :
column ||
comma ,
dashMatch |=
delim delimiter (may be unknown token or error)
dimension 1.23px - number with dimension
eof end of file
func function(
hash #
ident identifier
includeMatch ~=
number +12345.324e-3
openCurly {
openParen (
openSquare [
percentage 120%
prefixMatch ^=
semicolon ;
str string in '' or ""
substringMatch *=
suffixMatch $=
unicodeRange U+XXX-XXX
url url()
whitespace space, tab or newline