API documentation

beamui.core.collections Collection types.
beamui.core.config Convenient configuration constants.
beamui.core.editable Editable text content and related data structures.
beamui.core.files Cross-platform file access utilities.
beamui.core.functions Various utility and sugar functions.
beamui.core.geometry Basic geometric data types.
beamui.core.i18n Contains UI localization support.
beamui.core.linalg Linear algebra: vectors and matrices.
beamui.core.linestream Line stream reader and writer.
beamui.core.logger Logging utilities.
beamui.core.math Basic math utilities.
beamui.core.ownership Contains implementations of smart references.
beamui.core.resources Resource management.
beamui.core.settings Settings container, loader and saver.
beamui.core.signals Signal and slot mechanism.
beamui.core.types Basic data types to use in the library.
beamui.core.undo Simple class that encapsulates Undo/Redo functionality.
beamui.css.css CSS head module.
beamui.css.parser CSS parser. It takes a token sequence and produces style sheet data structure.
beamui.css.tokenizer CSS tokenizer.
beamui.dialogs.dialog Common Dialog implementation, used to create custom dialogs.
beamui.dialogs.filedialog File dialog implementation.
beamui.dialogs.messagebox Message box implementation.
beamui.events.action Actions.
beamui.events.event Common definitions for input events and custom events.
beamui.events.keyboard Keyboard events.
beamui.events.pointer Pointer events.
beamui.events.shortcut Keyboard shortcuts.
beamui.events.stdactions Standard actions commonly used in dialogs and controls.
beamui.events.wheel Wheel events.
beamui.ext.xpm.reader Reading .xpm files.
beamui.ext.css_syntax CSS syntax support for source editors.
beamui.graphics.gl.api Publicly imports OpenGL 4 or OpenGL ES 3 API.
beamui.graphics.gl.compiler GLSL shader compiling and linking routines.
beamui.graphics.gl.errors Utilities for OpenGL error checking.
beamui.graphics.gl.gl Base utilities for the GL rendering.
beamui.graphics.gl.glpainter OpenGL (ES) 3 painter implementation.
beamui.graphics.gl.objects Sugar for basic shareable OpenGL objects - buffers, textures, renderbuffers.
beamui.graphics.gl.renderer OpenGL (ES) 3 painter implementation, part 2.
beamui.graphics.gl.shaders Client code for standard shaders.
beamui.graphics.gl.stroke_tiling Split thin strokes into tiles.
beamui.graphics.gl.textures Atlases and caches for images, rasterized glyphs, and gradients.
beamui.graphics.atlas Atlas to pack rectangles, add or remove them over time.
beamui.graphics.brush Brush contains color information, applied in a drawing.
beamui.graphics.colors Color type and useful color related operations.
beamui.graphics.compositing Enums and structs for compositing and blending.
beamui.graphics.drawables Drawables and widget background.
beamui.graphics.flattener Bezier curve and circle arc flattening routines.
beamui.graphics.iconprovider Getting images for standard system icons and file paths.
beamui.graphics.images Image loading functions.
beamui.graphics.painter The main module for 2D painting.
beamui.graphics.path Path that outlines a complex figure.
beamui.graphics.pen Types and helpers for path stroking.
beamui.graphics.polygons Some algorithms on polygons, mostly with convex shapes.
beamui.graphics.swpainter Software painter implementation.
beamui.graphics.swrast Utilities for software rasterization.
beamui.graphics.txtpainter Painter implementation for console interfaces.
beamui.layout.flex CSS Flexible Box Layout.
beamui.layout.free Free layout places each item independently.
beamui.layout.grid A small subset of CSS Grid Layout.
beamui.layout.linear Linear layout implementation.
beamui.platforms.common.platform Common Platform definitions.
beamui.style.decode_css CSS decoding functions: take token array, convert it to some type.
beamui.style.media Media queries.
beamui.style.style Widget style, that contains named properties and is associated with selector.
beamui.text.consolefont Console font manager (with a single font).
beamui.text.fonts Base fonts access interface and common implementation.
beamui.text.ftfonts FontManager implementation based on FreeType library.
beamui.text.glyph Glyph data type and related entities.
beamui.text.shaping Basic text shaping, for non-complex scripts only.
beamui.text.simple Formatting and drawing of simple label-like text.
beamui.text.sizetest Text size tester.
beamui.text.style Text style properties and markup data structures.
beamui.text.win32fonts Win32-based font manager and rasterizer.
beamui.widgets.appframe Main widget for usual application - with menu and status bar.
beamui.widgets.charts Chart widgets. Currently only SimpleBarChart.
beamui.widgets.combobox Combo Box controls, simple and editable.
beamui.widgets.controls Simple controls - images, buttons, and so on.
beamui.widgets.docks Dockable windows.
beamui.widgets.editors Single-line and multiline simple text editors.
beamui.widgets.grid Grid views on data.
beamui.widgets.groupbox Group Box widget.
beamui.widgets.lists List views on data.
beamui.widgets.menu Menu widgets.
beamui.widgets.popup Popup container widget.
beamui.widgets.progressbar Progress bar control.
beamui.widgets.scroll Base for widgets with scrolling capabilities.
beamui.widgets.scrollbar Scrollbar control.
beamui.widgets.slider Slider controls.
beamui.widgets.srcedit Source code editor widget.
beamui.widgets.statusline Status line control.
beamui.widgets.tabs Tabbed controls.
beamui.widgets.text Widgets to show plain or formatted single- and multiline text.
beamui.widgets.toolbars Support of tool bars.
beamui.widgets.tree Tree widgets.
beamui.widgets.trigger Abstract popup and window opener.
beamui.widgets.widget Contains core classes and ancillary types of the widget system.
beamui.widgets.winframe Window frame widget.
beamui This module is just to simplify import of most useful beamui modules.